3 Nintendo Switch games to play when writing a thesis
For the last 4 months I have been writing my doctoral thesis. For those who don’t know what that is, it’s a document (usually between 120 – 200 pages) that summarises all the work I’ve done over the last 4 years. Once I’ve finished writing it that document will be reviewed by an external examiner to decide whether I get to call myself “Dr”. While I’ve been writing I’ve been in the lab, gathering the last bits of data I need, job hunting and trying to have a life (easier said than done). I’ve written blogs before about the importance of hobbies, and why everyone should have one to help keep them sane, especially during stressful periods. Usually I try to make sure I spend time on one hobby a week that doesn’t involve a screen. That being said, just before the pandemic began I purchased a Nintendo Switch and throughout my thesis write up that has been my main distraction/way to unwind when I haven’t been writing. If you don’t already have one I, like the rest of the internet, suggest you get one. Growing up I was a Sony kid and never really got the Nintendo hype - now it’s become my primary gaming console. The main reasons: it’s portable, easy to fit in around life and the games are pretty damn good. If you own a switch, or are thinking about getting one, here are three games (and some honourable mentions) that I would recommend you try out, especially if you’re say writing up a thesis.
Kicking-names and taking ass in The Witcher 3.
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt
Prior to the TV series releasing in 2019 The Witcher was a franchise I only knew about in passing; it had been recommended to me by a few friends but I didn’t feel like jumping into the world of mutants, monsters and Geralt of Rivia in a bathtub. This game spent so long on my “to play” list because I knew that it was the kind of game that I would get sucked into and sink too much time in. So when better to play a game like that then when writing up a thesis, right? To prevent me from wasting too much time slaughtering ghouls I made sure I only played on evenings and weekends (a rule I asked my wife to enforce by confiscating the switch during the day). Even on the switch, where jumping in and out of a game is incredibly convenient, I doubt I would be able to play the Witcher in small bites anyway. Part of what makes the game so enjoyable is the deep story, developing characters and on impressive fighting mechanics. I wouldn’t want to tarnish the gameplay experience by only playing it in 15 minute chunks. Instead, the Witcher was a great way to unwind after a day spent reading boring scientific theories.
Better than the gym…at least during a pandemic.
Ring Fit Adventure
When the Nintendo Wii came out back in November 2006 it was a pretty big hit. My Secondary School (High School, for any Americans) bought a few consoles for us to play on during break times; as a way to get “exercise.” For anyone who actually used the console you know that exercise is a very loose description of what you actually did. With the development of the Ring Fit, Nintendo have managed to overcome this challenge and created an add-on that actually feels like a piece of gym equipment. Ring Fit, paired with the game Ring Fit Adventure, has you running up steps, paddling rivers and fighting monsters, all in the name of fitness. Ever since a knee injury a few years ago I gave up long distance running, but the ring fit offers some low impact cardio, alongside a good balance of upper and lower body exercise. Personally, I found the Ring Fit a great way to make up for the fact that, while writing my thesis, I’ve been spending 6 – 8 hours a day curled up on a chair, hunched over my laptop. It’s not going to fix my lower back problems, but it’s a convenient way to work up a sweat.
If I play 100 hours does that make me a real farmer?
Stardew Valley
Ever wanted to run your own farm; grow crops, raise animals and harvestthe fruits of your own labour? Well, now there’s a game for that – Stardew Valley. I say this as if this is a recent game; when in actual fact Stardew started as a PC game in 2015, and a few years later, in 2017, made its way to Switch. This game has a lot in common with similar Nintendo titles, e.g. Animal Crossing and Harvest Moon, Stardew excels however with its depth, especially since the last big update which added additional news locations and quests. Each day of gameplay only lasts about 15 – 20 minutes which makes Stardew a perfect, if addictive, choice when you need a break during the day. With the Switch it’s easy to pick up and play short periods; slaying monsters, mining ore and planting this seasons crops. I imagine a psychologist would make a comment about how this game lets you focus on something you control; especially given the last 18 months where a lot has felt out of our control. In response to that I would say – shut up I’m watering my cabbages!
Honourable mentions
The games I’ve highlighted above are just three that I’ve played the most while writing my thesis, whether that’s at lunch for a short stint, longer sessions on an evening, or a quick Ring Fit workout in the morning. But there are many others that have provided entertainment, and distraction, during the last few months. These include:
Borderlands Series – if you just want to collect guns, shoot bad guys and blow things up, then the Borderlands is what you’re looking for. An incredible shoot em’ up for all your violent needs.
Zelda Breath of the Wild – I can’t write a list of Nintendo Switch games and not mention this game. It is truly a masterpiece, for both gameplay and visuals, if you own a switch and haven’t played it – shame on you.
Overcooked 1 + 2 – A lot of the games mentioned here are single player if, instead, you’re looking for a multiplayer option then Overcooked is a party favourite. You and a partner (or partners) are responsible for whipping up orders that come into the kitchen, it sounds easy but after almost a year of trying my wife and I are still only 75% of the way through.